
Friday, September 14, 2012

"97X. BAM. The Future of Rock and Roll."

The Price is Right airs at a new time. After all the years of coming on at 9:00 a.m., CBS has decided to move the game show to 11:00 and for the record, I am not one bit happy about the change.

If you have ever watched the movie Rain Man, you probably recall when Raymond and Charlie Babbitt were on the road and 5 o' clock began to approach. Charlie realized if he didn't find someone that would let his brother watch People's Court on their television, Raymond was going to throw a fit. After all, Ray followed a rigid schedule and had to watch certain programs at the same time every day, no matter what.

Cody is like that with The Price is Right and Survivor.

If you haven't seen Rain Man, I would recommend that you do so. It really is a good film and very educational for those who know little about autism.

I found the following clip on YouTube. I must forewarn that the F word is thrown around a couple of times, so view at your own discretion.


  1. I love this movie! Thanks for sharing your post about Cody. They always make me smile.

  2. You are welcome. Writing about Cody helps me stay sane. ;)


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