
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Beach Bag Para-Professional Gift

Today was the last day of Kindergarten for the 2013-2014 school year and, once again, Mrs. B. gave me a very thoughtful gift. When I count my blessings, working with her is right up there on the top of my list. She is a wonderful teacher and great example to me, as well as the children. 

Jakob is a child with special needs and was in our classroom the entire year. Mrs. B. wanted to include his name in the poem, because Jakob, like Cody, is very routine oriented. He made sure Mrs. B. and I did everything just right. That included saying "Good morning, Mrs. Lancaster!" as part of the morning calendar. 

Here's a peek inside the bag. There is a beach towel, ball, bubbles galore and a couple of drinks. Mrs. B. knows how much I love my grandsons. I probably talk about them too much, but I can't help it. They are the little loves of my life. :)

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