
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Turning 50 Part 2

The plan was to go out to dinner with my husband for my birthday Friday evening. Katelyn volunteered to keep Cody at her house, which would work out perfectly, since we had to drive along that route to the restaurant anyway.  Chase let me know earlier in the week that he and his wife and kids would come over Saturday, instead of Friday. Casey texted me Thursday and said he and his girlfriend would come by the house sometime on my birthday. I replied back to him that his dad and I would be going out to dinner, so he should call first and make sure we're home.

I knew Katelyn worked until 6:00, so I fixed Cody some Kraft Mac and Cheese and plopped on the sofa with my laptop to leisurely peruse the internet. (Totally oblivious to the fact that nearly everyone in my life was scrambling and/or traveling to get to Katelyn's house before I arrived.) Don had been working on our baseboards and bathroom vanity (future blog post), when he came in the room and asked if I thought he should change clothes before we go. He was wearing old, faded denim shorts and a gray t-shirt, so of course I told him, "Um, yes. At least change your shirt, so you don't look so washed out." At the last minute, I decided I would go freshen up my make-up a bit (and thank goodness I did)! I was brushing through my hair when, at 6:12, I got a text from Katelyn that said, "Hey, I'm finally on my way home." 

Katelyn and her husband live in a nice, quiet subdivision near a golf course and when we arrived, nothing looked out of the ordinary. With Cody on my arm, his medication and some mail for Katelyn in my hand, and Don standing behind us, I quietly knocked on their door. As Matt opened it, I heard a loud "Surprise!!" and saw family and friends and co-workers staring back at me. I wish I had a picture of the overwhelming crowd of people I saw from my view point, but here are a couple that someone happened to snap of me...

Katelyn told me she knew the surprise was genuine because I jumped up and down. (I don't remember doing that.) The feeling I had as I noticed each and every person there, was awe-inspiring to say the least. Many family members had traveled long distances and the thought that everyone had taken time at the end of their work week and beginning of a holiday week-end to spend with me, made me feel exceptionally loved.

The kids went all out and had food and decorations galore (Katelyn later informed me that she had taken the day off and that we could have taken a trip with all the money she and Casey spent). I wish I had more pics to share, because it truly was an amazing evening. I am sooooo appreciative of my kids and the effort they put in to carrying out such a fun and successful event. 

Here are just a few of the cards and gifts that I received...

My sister, Teresa, and friend, Beverly, brought these lovely gifts. Neither of
them have hit 50 yet and should realize "What goes around, comes around". 

I love, love, LOVE this gift from my grandsons!

My daughter-in-law, Talitha, made this autumn wreath for me.

Because there were absolutely no cars on the street in front of Katelyn and Matt's house, one of the questions I had was, "Where did everyone park?" (Seriously, there were 35+ people in her house!) Katelyn had thought of everything and had all the guests park at the golf course parking lot and walk. Thank goodness it wasn't too far.

I'll write about Cody's reaction to my surprise party, as well as the game we played, in my next post, Turning 50 Part 3.

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