
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Whoville Christmas 2014

With my husband having two back-to-back surgeries on his arms (a long story that I can't legally talk about), he has been out of work...which means, for the first time in years and years and years, we do not have a lot of money to spend this Christmas. 

As I was sitting on the sofa, contemplating my adoration of the Christmas season and gift giving, a strong feeling came over me that I do not want to sulk or feel sorry for myself. In fact, if my husband and I have to go through this trial (we don't really have a choice), I want our children, family and friends to see that we are going to be OKAY. Christmas 2014 will come and go. A few weeks from now, how much money I was--or wasn't--able to spend will not matter, but the memories we will share by spending time with our loved ones will remain indefinitely. 

My thoughts then turned to the book and film How the Grinch Stole Christmas and I was reminded of Whoville and this endearing quote...

"It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more."

Then a brilliant idea came to me and, after running it by my husband, the two of us decided to embrace the magic of the Grinch and go with a Whoville themed tree this year.

This is what we came up with...

Subway Art from scootapie Etsy shop

And yes, my tree is up the day before Thanksgiving, but I have a wedding to go to this weekend and Monday is December 1st. TOTALLY justifiable!!    :)

1 comment:

  1. What a Great idea. You always inspire me DeeAnn. I have, and do know the feeling of being unable to do much for Christmas. Since my family has grown so much I can't do what I would like. I think this is why I have grown to dread Christmas. I have to remind myself I am not responsible for others Christmas' It is all about the real meaning of Christmas and families. Thanks for you post :)


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