
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Make-Believe Monday

Kindergarten is drawing to a close for the 2014-2015 school year and we are testing the students on their progress. Mrs. B. and I have one little boy, Ryan, in our classroom who tends to have an occasional meltdown, so I try to be careful not to pull him for testing unless it's during a time of transition. Yesterday, after the students had written their ABC's, but before they started another activity, I asked Ryan to please come back to my table. As we were walking across the room, I noticed that he was moving like a Tyrannosaurus Rex (We just finished our dinosaur unit.) Inquisitively, I leaned down to Ryan's level and asked him, "Are you a dinosaur?" He kind of growled/roared at me and I thought, "Oh great. This is going to be painful if he's going to 'growl' his numbers zero through twenty!" Then I had a brilliant idea. This is how I handled the situation...

Me- "Mr. Dinosaur, do you think you can tell me what these numbers are in a Ryan voice?"

It worked like a charm. He rattled off the numbers with 100% accuracy, then walked like a Tyrannosaurus Rex back to the carpet to sit with the class.

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