
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Mount Rushmore- A Child's Perspective

We are teaching the Kindergarten students about President's Day this week. While reading a book to the class, Mrs. Hunter came to a picture showing Mount Rushmore. The two of us were completely unaware of the chaos this photo would cause in our classroom. One little boy spoke out," That looks like Jesus!" Mrs. Hunter and I made eye contact and then she asked, "Which one?" The student marched up to the front of the room where his teacher sat holding the open book and he carefully pointed to one of the presidents in the picture on the page. Then a little girl shouted out, "That is NOT Jesus. Jesus is dead! (As if the four presidents chiseled into the mountain are alive and well! LOL) Mrs. Hunter began to explain that Abraham Lincoln was the man sculpted into the mountain, but she was interrupted by yet another student sitting on the front row. He stood up, turned around to face his classmates, and passionately exclaimed, "Jesus is not dead!" And just like that, Mrs Hunter turned the page and said, "We need to move on." 


photo courtesy of Free Stock Photos

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