
Friday, December 31, 2021

Highlights of the Year 2021

The year 2021 has been an eventful one for our family! 

After having six adorable grandsons, I finally got my first grand-daughter.

(Respecting my daughter's wishes to not show her children's faces.
Scumbags on the internet ruin everything.)

My oldest son, Cody, turned 40! We celebrated with an open house. 
Cody loved having his friends from  Turn Community Services there.

Katelyn, who happens to be my youngest child, turned 30! What?! How?!!

Boyd and I went to Fort Worth, Texas to see my BF from high school and her family.

My sister, Camie, and her daughter, Lainey, came and 
spent a few days with me. We braved Vegas for a day.

Beverly and I went on our first girl trip without our daughters. We had a great time, even though we had to wear masks on the rides. (And we really wished the girls could've come.)

On a sad note, my step-father passed away. I am glad he's no longer suffering. 


Boyd and I made the decision to cash in on the insane housing market in St. George and move out of town. We bought the cutest home in the perfect location and moved in the first Saturday of September.

Within a month, I landed a job as an EL Interventionist at the elementary school close to my home.

(Ignore the typo in my text.) 

Cody is adjusting to his new day program. He really wanted to be Goofy on Halloween. 

We've enjoyed a couple of snow storms (which rarely happened in St. George).

We hosted our first Thanksgiving in our new home and just ended the year with a very Merry Christmas.

Looking back, I feel blessed beyond measure!

Bring on 2022!

To you and yours...

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