
Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Divorce Drug

Cody's Neurologist added another seizure medication to his Phenobarbital. She told us, "I think this will be the best medication for Cody, but I must inform you that they call this the 'Divorce' drug." She goes on to say, "Keppra (the new drug) has a tendency to make people grumpy and I can tell that Cody is a very happy person."  Needless to say, Don and I left her office that day less than thrilled.

I don't know why we assumed being grumpy would be the case for Cody. Has Cody been grumpy? Not so far. However, he has been more quick witted.

Just this morning, Cody was dancing (in his bazaar way) to Raffi. (For those of you who may not know who Raffi is... he sings children's songs.) Don walked in the room and said, "Cody, how old are you?" Cody responded, "Twenty-Nine". Shortly after that, Don and Cody were playing around and Don "pants" Cody. He responded by saying, "Dad, how old are you?"

A while later, we were in the car and Cody said something to his dad (who was driving). Apparently Don didn't respond fast enough for Cody because Cody said, "You-hoo. Anybody home?" (He never says that!)

As Don and I were making Caramel Corn this afternoon, Don mentioned to me that we should go to Myrtle Beach sometime; to which Cody piped in and said, "I don't have any money." (As if we were suggesting he pay for the trip.) When the Caramel Corn was done,  I asked Cody if he wanted some (he has never cared for it, but I was being polite). Did Cody say "No thank you." as he usually does? You guessed it. He excitedly said, "Yes!" and then proceeded to eat a whole bowl of it.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think that Cody lives to prove the doctors wrong!


  1. OK, so there's a word for that...when you see the opposite reaction that you are supposed to from a drug. Like when some kids freak out and get hyper instead of drowsy from Benadryl. Paradoxical! Ha...that was gonna bug me. Anyway, sounds like he's totally funny and amiable on it! Doctors should really not use the term "divorce drug" for any about setting you up.

  2. That's so true Lynn! Cody IS a funny, happy guy. I was having a hard time picturing him grumpy.

  3. What a great sense of humor. Instead of the "Divorce Drug", they should call it the "Don Rickles Drug".

  4. A friend of mine has a daughter who has been on Keppra for about 2 years with no mood problems - and it's been one of the best seizure meds she's tried! Good luck : )

  5. DeeAnn, I think this is my favorite post so far........I absolutely love Cody to pieces. He has been a walking contradiction his whole life. Way to go CODY!!!!

  6. Thank you all for the kind words.

  7. i'm happy everything turn out very well for cody and for all of u.dont worry be happy :)

  8. Interesting effects it seems to be having on Cody. I hope it stays positive for him (and you)!


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