
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Special Needs Rodeo

The Rodeo comes to town every September and they do a "Special Needs Rodeo" on Saturday afternoon. Cody loves going, even though our family doesn't have an ounce of cowboy in us! We bought Cody the cowboy hat a few years ago (check out the way he insists on wearing it). It still looks new because he'll only wear it once a year; same with the shirt. What you can't see in this picture are his DC Shoes. No way am I going to splurge and buy him cowboy boots to wear a few hours a year!


  1. Cody makes a good looking cowboy ;-)"Ride'em Cowboy."

  2. Sounds like great fun!
    Love that hat!

  3. He looks so great! Buy him the boots! Buy him the boots!

  4. That's great that they do a special needs day...those are three words I've never heard together -- special needs rodeo. Cool!


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