
Monday, October 4, 2010

Como Se Dice "Don't Break My Routine" en Espanol?

When Cody was in high school, he chose Spanish as one of his electives. He enjoyed it so much that he took it his Sophomore, Junior and Senior year. Every day, at the beginning of the period, the entire class would, in unison, say the alphabet in Spanish. One particular day, this important part of the routine was skipped. Cody became upset and no one could figure out why. Of course Cody would never just come out and say what was bothering him. By the end of the period, tears were streaking down his cheeks and when the bell rang, he would not budge! When the teachers and peer tutor finally figured out Cody was upset because the class didn't say the alphabet, they tried to convince him it would be okay. They would be sure to remember to say the alphabet the next day. However, no amount of coaxing or persuading would get Cody out of that desk! When students of the next period began to arrive, the teachers realized they needed to do something about Cody, who by this time was full on crying and causing a scene. They decided to pick up Cody, desk and all, and move him into the hall. I don't remember what happened after that. Obviously Cody eventually calmed down and got over it. I'm not so sure his Spanish teacher ever did. But you can bet he never forgot to have his class recite the alphabet when Cody was in attendance :)


  1. DeeAnn I'm loving this site of your's. You are doing a great job. I'm very, very proud of you. I love my Cody!! ;-)

  2. I am intrigued about an autistic person taking a foreign language. My son can identify which country an accent is from pretty accurately and I have chosen to teach him a few Spanish words. I hope he takes Spanish in high school too but know how language processing is difficult in the first place (even English, right?) so this is all very interesting to me. Would love to know more about how Cody did.


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