
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Top 10 Guilty Pleasures

1) Hot Fudge Sundaes with Peanuts. DQ's are the best.
2) My bed. I love it! It is my favorite place to be (sad maybe, but true).
3) Diet Coke. I sip it first thing in the morning until about 3:00 p.m.
4) Watching my favorite evening television programs (Survivor, Criminal Minds, The Office).
5) Turtle Chocolates. Because I end up eating the entire box in one day, I only get them for Valentines Day, Christmas and maybe my birthday.
6) Hair Product. I have to buy the really good stuff when my husband isn't around. He just wouldn't understand.
7) Movie Theater Popcorn. It's the best part of the whole theater experience.
8) Playing slot machines (when we go to Nevada). I'm not brave enough to play the tables.
9) Weight Watcher Fudge Bars. I realize this doesn't make sense, since I eat hot fudge, popcorn and candy but hey, I try:)
10) AC/DC. I still enjoy Back in Black. It takes me back to my high school days and for a few minutes, I feel young again.


  1. I'm with you on all ten except the diet coke (regular pepsi), hair product (no hair)and, unfortunately for my wallet, I am not afraid of the tables in Vegas (Black Jack).

  2. BD-My son keeps telling me Black Jack has better odds and slots are a waste of time (of course he should know since he's been 21 for a whole 3 months). I just like to be in my own little world sipping "free" drinks from the cocktail waitress.

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