
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dirty Deed or Hilarious Hoax?

Sometimes Cody gets in trouble at his Day Program for tripping people or laughing at others when they sneeze or cough. I must admit that I felt better when I read Lynn's blog post,  Fight! Fight! Fight! Bite! Bite! Bite!: The Itchy & Scratchy & Audrey Show at  . Lynn revealed that her daughter also thinks it's amusing when people get hurt. It's nice to know that Cody is not alone in this socially unacceptable behavior.

I received a phone call this afternoon from an employee at the Day Program. (I cringe when their number comes up on caller ID). She informed me that Cody now thinks it's funny to take the soap dispenser off the bathroom wall. Apparently it's loose, so he removes it then laughs his butt off about it.

Cody would not do this kind of thing at home; he knows that we wouldn't put up with it. So.....the only idea I had for them was to tell Cody if he does it again, he has to call and talk to me on the phone. He won't want to hear my "angry" voice on the other end, so I really think this particular behavior will stop. At least I hope so but I never hold my breath where Cody is concerned :)


  1. What a joker. Griffin's "bad" things are similar in that they are not truly horrible compared to what other teens do. I sometimes have a hard time maintaining the angry voice for minor infractions.

  2. Thanks so much for the shout-out! It really does sound like Cody and Audrey have the same sense of humor. I'm sure his soap dispenser hijinx would have her in stitches!

  3. Sierra is 3 and she doesn't like my angry face, she takes her fingers and tries to make me smile(it usually makes me laugh). It's very hard to be mad when they think they are being funny!

  4. When you think of all the challenging behaviours our kids *could* exhibit, messing with a soap dispenser seems pretty mild (yeah, and pretty funny too!)

  5. I think that having Cody call home and hear mom's angry voice is a great idea because I know that Griffin wouldn't want to hear it either if it were him.


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