
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What's the Difference?

Every December my husband's place of employment holds a Christmas Party. The crew and their spouses get together for socialization, food and a gift exchange. Some years we have a Chinese Gift Exchange while other years it's White Elephant. Now for those of you who may be wondering what the difference is, let me explain...

At a Chinese Gift Exchange, everyone brings something new with a set maximum price. All of the gifts are arranged in a central area and each person is given a paper with a number on it. To begin the exchange, the person who drew #1 picks a gift and unwraps it. #2 can either take #1's gift, or pick a wrapped gift. The exchange continues consecutively, each person being able to take a gift from any previous exchangers, or a new wrapped gift. If your gift gets taken, you can then take a new wrapped gift, or take someone else's, but not the one that was taken away from you. The exchange continues in this manner until everyone has a gift.

A White Elephant Gift Exchange is played pretty much the same way except instead of bringing a new gift, you must bring something used that you have laying around the house. For example: a half-burned scented candle, worn out pair of flip-flops or a crocheted Ball Warmer (Yes, you read it right and it's exactly what you think it is. My husband got this at a party one year and gave it away the next).

Anyway, last night I ended up with this...

A few of the other gifts exchanged were a Bass Fish truck hitch, package of flashlights, Christmas home decor, bracelet and a Marshmallow Shooter with marshmallows.

As far as I am concerned, I got a good deal :)


  1. Not bad, but the marshmallow shooter is definitely a close second!

  2. Ya. The men fought over the Marshmallow Shooter but NOBODY wanted the Bass truck hitch :)


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