
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Locked Out

Last year, in June, I wrote a post called 'Who's Weird, Besides Me?' I talked about Cody's autism and the fact that he won't do certain things, like get out of bed on his own in the morning. Then, in October, I wrote a post titled 'Miracles Happen' about how, after 29 years, Cody drained the bathtub without being told. This week we experienced yet another miracle. Let me share with you what happened.

It was evening and Cody and I were home alone. We were following the usual routine; I had just fixed Cody a bath and told him to get in. After a few minutes had passed, I went back to the bathroom, like I always do, to see if he was undressed and in the tub. The door was locked. I knew there was no way I could pick that lock before his bathwater turned frigid, so I did the only thing I could do... I talked to Cody through the door. Our conversation went something like this:

Me- "Cody, you locked the door. I cannot get in to help you unless you unlock it."

Cody- "Oh maan!"

Me- "Cody, you're gonna have to get your naked butt out of the tub and unlock it."

Cody- "Oh maan!"

Me- "Cody, if you don't get out and let me in, the water is going to get really cold. Do you want to sit in cold water?"

Cody- "Oh maan!"

Me- "Cody, YOU CAN DO THIS. You're going to be wet and that's okay. Get out of the tub, unlock the door for me and get back in."

I stood there listening through the door and couldn't believe my ears. I heard him actually get out of the water and unlock the door! It was all I could do not to laugh, partly because it was so cute seeing his dripping head and naked butt climbing back in the tub and partly because I was ecstatic that he did something I thought he'd never do.

This brings to mind the words of Winston Churchill, "Never, never, never give up!"


  1. That brings tears to my eyes. I wonder what other things he might be able to do if the occasion arises. Love that Cody!

  2. Tears of joy or tears from laughing? You, of all people, know what a hoot Cody can be :)

  3. WOW! WOW! I can relate. Although Griffin is only 13 and has his sight, he cannot drain the tub and I can't imagine being able to walk him through a scenario like that. But I know, the day will come. Hope I don't have to wait another 16 years, but I will if I have to.

    Blown away.

  4. I bet you did not know whether to laugh or cry! Awesome. Kudos to Cody and his ever patient Mom.

  5. BB will pull the plug out, but then just lies in the bath and gets cross if I suggest he should get out (he doesn't feel the cold). This gives me hope that one day I'll say "Get out" and he actually will!

  6. That's cute. I can just hear him saying "Oh maan."

  7. Brought tears to my eyes too.
    Miracles do happen :)

  8. Awesomeawesomeawesome! One time I was locked out of the HOUSE and Audrey was inside, looking right at me through the back door window. Yeah, I had to get the neighbor's ladder and climb through a 2nd floor window. Maybe someday....

  9. OH thank goodness that he listened to you and unlocked the door! I have had to pick the lock when Griffin locked the bathroom door, thankfully it was easy to pick because he wouldn't listen to me.


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