
Friday, January 7, 2011

What's In a Name?

If you read my blog regularly, you know that Cody enjoys taking liberty with people's names. He either shortens them, (for instance Dr. Thompson/ Dr. T), adds to them (Teresa/ Teresa-pie), replaces them (Aunt Terri/ Copy Girl) or, if you're really special, Cody drops the name altogether and hums. Coach Sonju, one of his high school teachers, was lucky enough to hear this theme music from Cody EVERY time he saw him...

...and our family didn't even watch 'Coach' very often. Go figure.


  1. Got me wondering what my signature tune would be. I'd love to think it was the theme from 'Wonder Woman', but fear it's more likely to be Korn's 'Freak on a Leash' :P

  2. That's so cute! Gotta be special to have a tune hummed for your name though!

  3. bbsmum- Somehow I don't picture you as a 'Freak on a Leash' :)

    Lora- Thank you. Cody alternates between being cute and driving us crazy.


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