
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Clapping in the Bedroom

I asked Don to move the treadmill into our bedroom, so I can watch television while I work out. The only place it fits, however, is between my side of the bed and the nightstand. Now, if I want to read before I go to sleep, I have to get out of bed and climb over the treadmill to turn off the lamp. One night last week, I felt too tired to get back out of bed, so I mentioned to Don that we should put our lamps on a clapper. He laughed at me and said, "That would really be aging us, wouldn't it?"


  1. Oh that makes me laugh. Thanks for the post it made me laugh, smile and shake my head in agreement and the cartoon is so spot on!

  2. You naughty thing! I definitely think that a clapper is in order.


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