
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Weight Loss Procrastination Tips for Every Month of the Year!

I come up with excuses to procrastinate losing weight. For instance, I can't make a New Year's resolution to diet when Valentine's Day is just around the corner and I'll want to devour scrumptious chocolates. Easter comes soon after Valentine's Day, so that's no good. How can I not eat sweets when our family does a big treasure hunt with loads of candy? After Easter...well, I'm sure the kids will give me Turtle's for Mother's Day. They know how much I love those chocolate covered caramels with pecans. Summer time rolls along and it is so hot that it would be foolish to give up ice cream. Besides that, three of my four kids and I have birthdays in the summer and that means cake, cake and more cake. Before you know it, Autumn is here and caramel apples are terrific...oh, and apple pie and apple crisp (with ice cream). Then it's Halloween and simply unrealistic to think of losing weight when loading up on candy is what Halloween is all about! November and December bring with them my favorite holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's a given that nobody starts a diet during this time. To do so would be just setting myself up for failure, right? Now I've come full circle and back to New Year's again. It's a vicious cycle.

(Sigh) I might suck at having self control, but I've got procrastination mastered!


  1. This is just like me. The last time that I dieted successfully was almost 4 years ago. Gained it back and now it's like humanly impossible for me to get back on the wagon. I don't know what it's gonna take. I love to eat too much!

  2. You're reading my mind (*sigh*).
    Tomorrow. I'll diet tomorrow, right?

  3. Wow, that is exactly how my brain thinks. Bring on the chocolate!!!!!


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