
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cody, Valentines and Love Songs

Do you know how hard it is to write a blog post while Cody's sitting in the same room singing, over and over again, the words, "Happy Valentines Guys" to the tune Silly Love Songs by Paul McCartney? Holy crap! Give it a try.

And you thought the title of this post sounded normal enough for this time of year, didn'tcha?


  1. it's a lovely song but it reminds me of a boyfriend I'd rather forget, mainly because he was a creep with a complexion like a pizza topping. From now on I'll think of Cody instead. Much nicer. Ah, I'm liking the song again now :)

  2. I knew with that title it was going to make me laugh! And thanks now that song is whizzing around in my head. YIKES!


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