
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Chase wanted me to find a picture that I have of him wearing MC Hammer pants. Apparently, he is trying to prove to one of his friends that he actually owned a pair. Why? Who knows with that kid; I didn't even ask. Anyway, as I was digging through the box of pictures,  I came across this priceless moment in time...

and I remembered EXACTLY why I don't have family photos taken!

Casey is cheesing. Chase just looks sad. I am not sure what Katelyn is doing, but definitely giving us attitude, and Cody is turned the wrong way! You'd think he was blind or something. ;-)


  1. We would spend hours trying to get a decent portrait of GL, and it would usually end with tears. Later, when were having him evaluated for autism, they asked for pictures showing unusual responses or traits. We looked through our photos, but the ones we had saved all looked so normal!

  2. Oh I love love love your sense of humor. You make me laugh. Love the picture. It is priceless!

  3. Knowing what I do about your family from this blog, I have to agree that this picture is absolutely priceless. The ones that turn out "picture perfect" are so boring, Pics like this one have personality plus.

  4. Oh I wish they were all that age again :)


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