
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Gag Me!

Today, instead of surrendering to Cody's request to eat Kraft Easy Mac for lunch, I baked him a Marie Calendar's Chicken Pot Pie. That's when I decided I'd share with you the following memory:

When Cody was a baby, I tried introducing him to food that wasn't pureed and he would gag when anything remotely lumpy was spooned into his mouth. To solve the problem and get him to eat more of a variety, I bought an amazing little tool called a Food Grinder. It was easy to use at home and convenient to throw in his diaper bag when we were on the go. It looked exactly like this...

One evening, when Cody was around two, I baked some Swanson Chicken Pot Pies for dinner. (I was young and hadn't perfected my cooking skills.) Anyway, knowing Cody would gag at the first hint of a pea or potato chunk, I put his pie through the grinder, minus the hard crust around the top edge. He loved it and polished it off. I ground up another. He downed that too. Hesitantly, I ground up one more and he ate it as well. Three! Cody, at age two, had eaten three pot pies for dinner.

I don't remember when Cody finally got over the lump issue, but he never did polish off that many pot pies again and I doubt he ever will.


  1. Wow! I don't think I could eat that many! I would worry about it coming back up or I would feed my son more, he can put away some food like 4 slices of pizza and he's 2!

  2. Is it just warm and fuzzy to sometimes think about how far things have come? I'm glad he got over the food texture issue. Some kids never do.

  3. I love walking down memory lane. Thanks for a "Cody" memory to start the week with!

  4. "I was young and hadn't perfected my cooking skills"........I have to admit, I'm old and still haven't perfected ANY cooking skills. I'd rather sew than eat. I'm lucky that there are only two of us in the home now. And, it's the "other" one that does most the cooking. ;)


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