
Monday, February 14, 2011

Love and Sex

I knew I was in for an interesting Valentine's Day when I walked into the living room this morning and the first thing out of Cody's mouth was, "Today on Oprah they will be talking about love and sex." He made sure to enunciate the "sex" part, then he kept repeating it until I finally said, "Okay, Cody. I heard you." He chuckled, somewhat mischievously, then dropped it.

Cody has no idea what sex is, but something tells me he knew saying it would make me a little uncomfortable.


  1. Isn't that what today is all about? Making the ones you love uncomfortable? It's not? Um, do you think there is a flower shop open this late?

  2. Yep, that is what children of all ages love to do to their parents, it doesn't matter if they are 16 or 24 like mine. Keeps me on my toes no doubt.

  3. Hi there!! I'm glad to have found you! Love your blog--L
    PS--I followed via Google :)


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