
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Who's Sweeter...My Husband or My Dog?

I adore dogs (Well...most dogs. I don't care for little, yappy ones and I hate Poodles), but I cannot handle animals being inside my house. Since I am a teeny-tiny bit of a clean freak, I'm sure you understand my reasoning.  

Our dog, Homie, lives safely in our backyard. It is completely fenced in, so she pretty much has free reign.

Last Friday night, after her date, Katelyn came home to find Homie in our front yard. It had been storming, the wind blew the fence gate open and Homie snuck out. The dog's not stupid, but she did have a dilemma. The wind had also blown the gate shut and Homie was stuck out front. Being the precious, obedient pet that she is, she hung out and waited for someone (Katelyn) to come to her rescue.

After that night, Don decided to work on the gate and secure it. That meant fixing the gap Homie enjoyed peeking out of to survey the goings on in our cul-de-sac.

I suppose Don felt sorry for her, because when I came home from work one afternoon, this is what I observed...


Who's sweeter? My husband or my dog?


  1. I absolutely love this story :D I'd have to vote for Don.

  2. awww what a nice guy!
    i too will never ever ever let a dog step foot inside my house. blick!

  3. your husband...hands down!! that's not to say that your dog isN'T sweet...just that husband is sweetER...


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