
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wittiness and Whiskers

If you're a fairly new reader of my blog, there are four things you need to know about my son Chase.

1) He is 26 years old.
2) He is a tease.
3) He takes pleasure in driving me crazy.
4) He has grown the ugliest beard I have ever seen.

Now, before you become concerned about Chase reading this post and having his feelings hurt, I will tell you that he already knows perfectly well how I feel about his ugly ass beard. Chase's facial hair is the reason I refused to have family pictures taken last Christmas. Don (my husband) keeps reminding me, "The more you nag Chase about the beard, the longer he will hold out on shaving it off." That's how Chase rolls, so it's probably true.

Yesterday, as I sat at my desk, I looked down at my calendar and saw this...

Check out the 23rd of March. That is not my handwriting. Look a little closer...

If you're thinking I should just take him up on it since I hate the beard so bad, think again. I'll bet he wants $500 or some other ridiculous amount.

Hilarious, Chase. Very funny.


  1. You know we really, really need to see a photo now!

  2. Just one picture. . . . . .. PLEASEEEEEEE!

  3. Please, Pretty Picture Please?!?
    If you ask nice I think we can come up with some $$$ in exchange for a picture. See, we can help fund this adventure... :)


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