
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Feeling Fortunate

Do you remember Caleb, the child from hell  that was in our Kindergarten class last year? He's the one that went to time out multiple times every day, spent more time in the Principal's office than any 5 year old I have ever known and had to sit in a desk away from the other children because he talked nonstop and stole from his classmates? (If you need to refresh your memory, read these posts: Oh Crap! and The Worth of Child .)

Anyway, I was working in the classroom today and looked up to see Caleb peeking in the door. He was holding an ice pack over his eye, so I asked him to come in and tell me what happened. (He said he fell off the monkey bars at recess.) I gave him a hug and told him I was happy he came to visit, but he needed to go back to his class, which, I'm sure, is exactly what the ladies in the office that gave him the ice pack had already told him.

After he left, I looked at Mrs. B., the teacher I work with, and said, "I'm actually glad Caleb came to visit us." She looked at me like I was crazy and I explained, "It just makes me feel soooo grateful that we don't have to deal with him this year."

His poor first grade teacher. Two days down, one hundred seventy eight to go. ....

1 comment:

  1. Just stopping by to say thank you for participating in my Autism Awareness Wednesday Blog Hop. I am sorry it took me a while to get around to visiting but it gets very busy here with 5 kids. Sarah


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