
Monday, August 15, 2011

I Don't Want a Mail Order Bride for a Daughter in Law

My sons, Chase and Casey, are in their twenties and don't live with us, but they come to the house a couple of times a week. I'd like to think they come because they miss us, but I have a feeling it's mostly to use our computer and washer and dryer.

Anyway, last night I went to turn the computer off before climbing into bed, glanced down at my desktop calendar and saw that Chase had left his mark again. (If you are new to my blog, you may want to click on Playful Prankster and Wittiness and Whiskers to read what I'm talking about.)

Take a look at what he wrote...

August 23rd is his birthday. I had already written Chase's name on the calendar; he just expounded on it.

Once a jokester always a jokester, I suppose.


  1. whaz wrong with a "mail order bride"...are ya prejudice or sumptin'? =P

  2. A mail order daughter in law is better than no daughter in law!

  3. Catrina- Yes. He can be fun when he wants to be. :)

    rubyslipperz- Haha. You know me better than that. I would like to think Chase could find a girl in his home land to fall in love with. I don't think he needs to "buy" one who is desperate to come to the United States. lol

    Katelyn- Not so, I'm thinking. :)

  4. OMG, I love his sense of humor. At least he didn't write, "Need to drop off child support check" or something...

    PS---been thinking of you, are you starting up school yet? My daughter starts KG this year!


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