
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Baseball and Patriotism: Cody is 100% American!

This is a photo of Cody standing with his hand, or in his case hands, over his heart during the National Anthem at the beginning of the AL Championship Series between Texas and Detroit.

It doesn't matter where Cody is, if he hears the National Anthem playing, he's going to stand up, even if it is in his own living room. How patriotic is that?!

For some reason, Cody enjoys baseball and even though he can't see, he loves to play catch. It makes me wonder how athletic Cody might have been if he wasn't born with disabilities.

Anyway, about an hour into the game, the following conversation took place between Cody and his dad:

Don- Hey Cody! How about you let me watch Survivor on the DVR?

...long, long pause

Don- Are you going to answer me?

Cody- (In a voice with a hint of annoyance) I'm thinkin' about it!

Finally, at the top of the 4th inning, Don convinced Cody the game would still be going when Survivor was over, so he reluctantly agreed.

It was just as well because the rain came and delayed the game anyway.


  1. Could you love Cody anymore?? He is pretty special.

  2. "It doesn't matter where Cody is, if he hears the National Anthem playing, he's going to stand up, even if it is in his own living room."

    Well, rules are rules, after all!

  3. Love Cody posts they always make my heart sing. We are having our first give away on Tuesday. We are so excited and would love for you to be one of the winners.


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