
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Epilepsy in Autism

I came across a blog post yesterday about epilepsy in autism. Since my son Cody has both, it really caught my attention. Click here if you would like to read about the study.

Since we are talking about seizures, the following are posts on my blog that may be of interest:

First Aid for Seizures

What is SUDEP?

Autism and Vitamins

Today I Cry


  1. Thanks for the links. I'm hoping you're having a good weekend! Windy here!

  2. That was interesting! I have a 26 y/o daughter with autism (Asperger's) who also has epilepsy, but interestingly her seizures started when she was young, under 3 years of age, and we attributed it to the stroke she had either right before birth, during birth or after birth (unclear timeline as we adopted her when she was a year old and records were unclear exactly what happened). But this is fascinating!
    thanks for sharing


  3. Lizbeth- You are welcome and thank you. No wind where I far.


    Thanks for sharing.

    Cody's first seizure was when he was around 7 years old and came with a bad flu bug. He didn't have another seizure until he was in shunt distress around 12 years old. He has been on medication ever since. His seizures came much more frequently when he hit his 20's.

    You are right. It is fascinating.


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