
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Possible Passion for Pinterest

Thanks to the girls at Carolina HeartStrings I am now a member of Pinterest.

Pinterest, an online pinbaord that allows you to organize and share all of the things you love, has taken a distinctive approach to get people interested in the site – you have to be invited to participate. You can request an invitation right on the site, but it takes a long time before you will get one. You are better off doing what I did and ask a friend who is already on Pinterest to send you an invitation.

If Pinterest sounds like something you would be interested in, the following link will take you to Pleasant Home, one of my favorite blogs, where you can pick up some great tips and pointers:

A Little HOW TO on Pinterest


  1. Sweet, I've been a member for a while but have done nothing on there cause it was too hard for my feeble little mind to figure out... Will check out the how to... I'm definitely the type that can do with how to's...

    You're talking to a person that somehow manages to make JELLO wrong. Despite the ridiculously easy instructions.

  2. I hear it is wonderful but I'm purposefully staying off of it; I spend way tooo much time online, I'm thinking I don't need another addiction here! Have fun with it though!


  3. I just wish that I could get online more often. Maybe if I could have a routine I would want this but it's not for me. Hope that you are has been awhile.

  4. I must look into this Pinetrest. Is that even how you spell it? I think I'll just try your link!!!

  5. Thansk for the shout out. Welcome to another addiction! Haha.


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