
Friday, November 4, 2011

The Right Things to Say to Parents of Special Needs Kids

Mark and Bonnie's blog, The Fragile X Files, is one of my favorites. When I read their post, The RIGHT Things to Say to Parents of Special Needs Kids, I knew I had to share. I hope you will click on the link and take a minute to read it.

1 comment:

  1. I did read the comments over on Mark & Bonnie's blog and can relate. Like I posted there, I myself struggle at times with saying the right thing in awkward situations. Of course, being a parent of an autistic son I've had my share of odd/rude/misunderstood comments. I do think most times people just mean well and aren't sure what to say. One comment that saddened me was a young (18-20) year-old girl who told me how nice that my child was autistic because I would always have a little baby. All I could think of was God help your children because I can't see you encouraging them to grow up. (deep sigh)....


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