
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

He Thinks His Forklift’s Sexy

My son Chase got a new job working in a warehouse for a big electronic company. He loves it and is happy he doesn’t have to work with the public (at the liquor store) anymore.

A couple of days ago, I received this picture/text from him on my cell phone…


“If you think this is sexy, you should see it when I’m on it.”

He may be a little cocky, but it pleases me that he is excited about his job. :)


  1. Oh you KNOW I love this.... Let's get a picture of him on it!

  2. I agree with "Carolina HeartStrings"... Let's get a picture with Chase on it ! :)

  3. I would love to see him on the forklift as well, but when I texted him and asked him to do it, this is what I got back..."Not gonna happen. My ego is a lot bigger than that ;)"

  4. I hate to say this but I agree, that is a sexy forklift.

  5. This truck is very useful in lifting objects from one place to another. I think that it's also a very important equipment for a warehouse, factory or workshops. Transferring pallets can be very easy with this kind of forklift truck.

    pallet trucks


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