
Thursday, January 19, 2012

One Autistic Girl's Amazing Story

My friend at The Fragile X Files posted an amazing clip about an autistic girl's breakthrough. Much like Temple Grandin, this child is helping us understand autism. Please click on the link, watch the video and prepare to be enlightened. I promise, you will be glad that you did.

The Fragile X Files: Thanks to Carly Fleischmann: If you haven't heard of Carly Fleischmann, let me introduce you. Watch this video. It's almost 10 minutes long and usually I hate videos (...


  1. thanks for the share! I just can't get over her story. It's stunning.

  2. That was the best 10 minutes I have ever spent. Truly amazing story. Thanks for sharing it!

  3. What a gift this girl has provided. (Alessa)

  4. That was a very heart-pounding story. It was indeed worth my time. People will surely be inspired with the story.


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