
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How Do You Esteem Your Mother?

I decided to post the following video for three reasons:

1) Cody was born without eyes.

2) I am a mother.

3) A great deal of my readers are parents of special needs children.

After watching the clip, please leave a comment. I would appreciate hearing your thoughts.


  1. Wow. I'm not sure where to start with my comments; that brought up a lot of thoughts and emotion. At first, I just thought of a Sesame Street sketch:

    I also thought that the son seemed to have a real lack of attachment. For more about attachment disorder, look at

    Finally, I thought of the love that moms have for their children. Love makes sacrifice possible.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have to tell you I was gripped the whole time. But I couldn't figure out the man's intense anger/embarrassment of his mother. I don't understand that....can you help me here?

    And yeah, the mother's love is endless.

  3. Lizbeth- I can't help you because I can't comprehend it either.

    Kristi- You're right. Love makes sacrifice possible and mothers sacrifice more for their children (families) than they may ever know.

  4. That is a very moving video. Thanks for sharing it. I feel sad for that son. What an angry life he had. The mother was stronger than he could ever be.


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