
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Manipulated into Playing a Game Show

Ma-nip-u-late- to control or influence somebody or something in an ingenious or devious way

Have you ever lived with anyone who will rarely finish a sentence? Cody does this and it makes me absolutely bonkers. I have always chalked it up to being another "autistic thing", but yesterday, as I sat down to watch television with Cody, I was enlightened.

Cody sat comfortably in his recliner while I flipped through the channels, reading the program options to him. He wanted to watch $100,000 Pyramid, so I left it on GSN and cozied up on the sofa with Katelyn's laptop. Not until I heard the players give clues to one another did I realized that Cody has been leaving off the end of his sentences in an attempt to imitate the game. From his voice inflection to the way he says "uh-huh' and "yes" when someone finishes the end of a sentence for him, Cody has been playing his rendition of "Pyramid". He is the giver and those willing to converse with him are the receivers.

The difference between Dick Clark's $100,000 Pyramid and Cody's game is...

#1- People on television are aware they are playing!


#2- They have a chance to win $100,000! Cody's team players, on the other hand, are SOL.


  1. Oh my gosh! That is so cool. DeeAnn, you are a genious :-)

  2. Oh I can so relate. Marshall is often in some sort of "TV Mode"....


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