
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Are You Smarter than an Egg Layer?

Thanks to Chase's girlfriend's little boy, who happens to be obsessed with Elmo, I am getting reacquainted with Sesame Street.

When Chase and Cody were little, I loved watching Sesame Street with them. Not only was it educational, but Sesame Street had humor only grown ups could truly appreciate. I loved 'The Beetles' Muppets with their hit song 'Letter B' and Baba Wawa was another character that would crack me up as she impersonated Barbara Walters.

Maybe I'm easily amused, but I had Sesame Street on the Netflix Instant Queue today and watched, for the first time, this comical little skit...

Oh, come on! You've got to admit, that's funny shiz right there.


  1. I love Sesame Street! There was an episode last year where Telly buys an iPogo! Hilarious! In the same episode Big Bird says he's tweeting on his birdberry! Ha!

  2. Elizabeth- I am going to look up those two skits on Youtube right now! Big Bird that's funny. :)

  3. I was hysterical. I don't think anyone but an adult can appreciate that woman! Thanks for sharing it.


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