
Friday, April 27, 2012

Just Send Cold Hard Cash

I was having a conversation with my daughter today and mentioned how I wish more people would comment on my blog posts. Cody, who watches waaay too much TV, started mimicking infomercials and said,"To journal blog posts, call 632-2147. That's 632-2147 OR send check or money order to..." yada yada yada.

I'm thinking maybe I should put PayPal's Donation button back up?!

BTW- Go ahead. Call that number all you want. It no longer belongs to us.. ;)


  1. I'm trying to get better about leaving comments. I've got to say that I love hearing about Cody's conversations. What a character! :-)

  2. Thanks guys.

    Yes, Cody can be quite entertaining to say the least.

  3. Love your sense of humor. Cody rocks too!


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