Showing posts with label Spanish Class. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spanish Class. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Another One of Cody's Off-the-Cuff Interpretations

Earlier in the week, Don, Cody and I drove past a car wash on our way into town. Well, technically we drove past a lot of businesses, but the car wash stood out because there were several flags flapping in the wind. Most of the flags were American, but there also happened to be a Canadian flag as well as the flag of Mexico. I pointed it out to Don and said, "I wonder why that car wash is flying the Mexican and Canadian flags?"

Unexpectedly, from the backseat of the car, came Cody's impromptu rendition of the 'Pledge of Alligiance'. I quickly grabbed a pen and paper from the glove box and wrote down his words.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of Cancun,
and to Mr. Hyatt for which we remember,
one Pine View High under Taco Bell,
indivisible, with Mexicans and equis for kids."

To make any sense of this (insert eye roll here), you need to know that Mr. Hyatt taught Cody's Spanish class at Pine View High School years ago. I think Cody's use of Cancun and Taco Bell speaks for itself. ;)

If you would like to read about an experience Cody had in Spanish class, click on  Como Se Dice "Don't Break My Routine" en Espanol?.

(FYI- I want my readers to know that I  have nothing against Mexico or Canada. It's just not everyday that their flags are seen flying amidst ours.)
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