Autism and Vitamins
Seriously? Just Help the Kid Open the Damn Door!
The Dentist and Medically Fragile Children
Autism and Multiple Sclerosis/ Could There Be a Link?
You Can Help Individuals with Autism and Their Families
10 Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew
Temple Grandin/ A Must Watch for Every Parent of an Autistic Child
Are You Seizure Smart?
What Is CHARGE Syndrome?
Autistic Children: My Child is Autistic
Jordan Sigalet and Multiple Sclerosis
What is a Shunt?
Dining in the Dark
Light It Up Blue for Autism Awareness
I Can Translate for You
Don't Take Advantage of My Child Because He is Blind
Epilepsy in Autism
Kind Words from Cody's Day Program
Some Days are Just Better than Others
How DO Grandparents of ASD Children Feel?
Guest Post/ Grandparenting a Child with Special Needs
I May Never Be and Empty Nester
Special Needs Rodeo
Autistic Basketball Player
Another Reason to Wear Orange in October
A Very Special Twelve Days of Christmas
World Autism Awareness Day 2013
Protecting People with Disabilities
An Atypical Gift for an Atypical Person
Winner vs Champion
Michael J. Fox Show Educates through Comedy
True Character
Blessings of Cody
Guest Post by Cindy Robertson Michie/ Dropping My Son with Asperger's Off at College
Disability Etiquette Quiz
Meet Brent Johnson/ Adventurous Photographer Despite Only One Arm
How Autism Affects You/ Autism Awareness
Autism Is...
Real World Problem Solving
Cody's Kind of Cursing
Asperger's and Fries
Mood Changes and MS- Practical Ways to Deal with Mood Swings